Exciting development today. We’ve acquired the entire transcript from the Sunday Ticket trial. Unfortunately, it came with a hefty price tag, although it will be a write-off. With the lackluster coverage this trial received, the full document was necessary. The trial, spanning from June 5 to June 27, occupied 14 days of court time. Currently, the plan is to parse the transcript daily, producing summaries or insights based on each day’s events.
Imagine spending 22 days in L.A. covering the trial in person. Yet, the luxury of having the transcript daily wouldn’t have been possible. Reading through this massive document seems daunting, but it’s an unavoidable task. The meticulous process involves understanding what transpired each day in court and distilling it into comprehensible information. Given my years away from this kind of intense reading, it’s both challenging and nostalgic.
Admittedly, there’s a lack of enthusiasm to sift through the hefty transcript, but someone must undertake it. This endeavor marks a return to reading testimony transcripts after a 15-year hiatus. The aim is to provide better coverage and understanding of what happened during those 14 days of the trial. Despite the time and effort required, it’s a unique opportunity to share detailed insights from the courtroom events.