Jack Flaherty played a pivotal role in the Los Angeles Dodgers’ recent World Series victory, contributing to their second championship in five years with...
Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw is determined to “crush rehab” as he recovers from two recent surgeries. This commitment highlights his resilience and dedication to...
Alex Bregman, the talented third baseman, recently underwent surgery to extract a bone chip from his right elbow. Scott Boras, Bregman’s agent, disclosed the...
Dodgers’ Joe Kelly asserts that the World Series against the Yankees was “a mismatch from the get-go.” Despite not pitching during the 2024 postseason,...
Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani underwent arthroscopic surgery on Tuesday to address a labrum tear in his left shoulder, an injury sustained during Game 2...
Let the Photoshopping begin. Juan Soto sweepstakes are heating up as he officially enters the open market, prompting fans across Major League Baseball to...
Dodgers spent big before winning big, and the 2025 free-agent class might be even more enticing. Teams are gearing up to make significant investments...
Dodgers fans rejoiced as the Los Angeles Dodgers celebrated their eighth World Series championship with a vibrant downtown parade and a spirited stadium gathering...